10 Most Popular Blessed Homeschool Articles
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The end of the year is a time for reflection and resolution. Along with setting some personal and homeschooling goals for the year, one of my favorite parts is taking a look back at what homeschool articles from my blog readers loved, searched for, and shared the most.
So, here are the 10 most popular Blessed Homeschool articles from the past year. I would love for you to check them out if you haven’t read them yet! I hope you’ll find them encouraging and informative to your own homeschool journey.

10 Most Popular Blessed Homeschool Articles
1. Easy Little Bites Copycat Mini Muffins Recipe

This post got a lot of love this year as families enjoyed making it with their kids! This homemade version of these bite-sized treats offer a perfect blend of fluffy texture and irresistible sweetness (and, of course, sprinkles).
2. 10 Skill-Building Leadership Activities for Kids

As you can imagine, teaching kids leadership skills can benefit them in so many ways…both in their personal and professional lives.
But what’s the best way to do this? To help you on this mission, I’ve gathered some leadership activities for kids that I hope you and your family will love.
3. Scientific Method for Kids: Steps and FREE Printable Template

This post helps you teach your kids all about the Scientific Method, along with details for each step. And a free printable template you can use with pretty much any science experiment!
4. 8 FREE Sight Word Coloring Pages for Early Readers

I’m so happy that many families are able to use resources like these! These sight word coloring pages include 52 words for your kids to practice reading and coloring, and contain a mix from both Dolch’s 1st grade list and Fry’s 1-100 words.
5. Homeschool Daily Checklist + FREE Printable for Your Kids

These homeschool daily checklists got me through our first few years of homeschooling and finding our rhythm! I’d love for you to have your own copy if you don’t already – go check out the post!
6. Free Printable Reward Punch Cards and 16 Ways to Use Them in Your Homeschool

I created these free printable reward punch cards for moms to use with their kiddos, and readers love them! I share a bunch of different ways you can use them in your homeschool, and there are many designs so you can choose one your kids are sure to love.
7. 15 Homeschool Planners That Will Simplify Your Planning

There are a lot of choices out there for homeschool planners, and it can be daunting to try to sift through them all! This post is a favorite for homeschool moms everywhere because I’ve narrowed down the top most-loved options. No matter what your planning style, you’re sure to find the homeschool planner for you!
8. Free Pi Day Worksheets and Activities for Kids

If you’re looking for some activities and Pi Day worksheets, you’ve come to the right place! Grab the free printables from this post, and plan out your Pi Day fun with a variety of activity ideas.
9. How to Homeschool in Missouri + FREE Hours Tracker

We homeschool in Missouri, so I’ve stuffed this post full of all the information any of you Missouri homeschoolers need. And if you don’t homeschool in Missouri, I’d love for you to check out the post about homeschooling in your state!
10. BJU Press Homeschool Curriculum: Our First-Year Experiences

We love BJU Press homeschool curriculum! I’m happy to have a little hand in spreading the word about this program. This post was all about our first year experiences, and we are finishing out our third year with using many of their resources. Go check it out if you aren’t familiar with the company.
Honorable Mentions
While they didn’t quite make the top 10, these posts came close!
Free Printable Solar System Activity Pack

Help teach your kids all about our amazing solar system with the resources in this post and the free solar system printable that comes with it!
Easy Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Overnight Oats Recipe

You guys absolutely LOVED this recipe this year! If you need an easy-to-prep breakfast for busy homeschool mornings, give this peanut butter chocolate chip overnight oats recipe a try.
The Best Homeschool Art Curriculum for All Ages

My kids told me that they wanted to do more art in our homeschool, and I’m so thankful to have found this homeschool art curriculum. You guys loved reading about it this year, too!
Which Learning Style Best Suits Your Child?

In this post I share a learning styles quiz, and discuss the different types of learners. Which style is your child?
Homeschool Planet Review

This past year was the first year I’ve used Homeschool Planet, and I absolutely love it. I shared this Homeschool Planet review, which was a big hit with homeschool families this year!
Successfully Track Your Homeschool With This Easy Printable

I think this was the first printable resource I created (because I needed it!), and it continues to be a favorite! Learn all about my Printable Homeschool Tracker and how to use it to help keep your homeschool organized.
One of the Best Historical Board Games {Why We Love Trekking Through History}

Earlier this year I shared about Trekking Through History, one of the newest educational board games from Underdog Games. Sooo much fun! Only check out this post if you’re prepared to add another board game to your homeschool (you won’t be able to resist it).
There you have it! I’d love to know which post was your favorite this year! Would you drop a note in the comments letting me know what inspired or encouraged you the most?
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