Easter Bible Reading Plan for Kids + FREE Printable

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Are you looking for a simple Easter Bible reading plan you can complete as a family this year?

As we get closer to Easter, I like to add a bit more to our regularly scheduled Bible lessons so we can prepare our hearts and keep in mind the reason for the season.

I’ve got a super short, simple Easter Bible reading plan you can complete with your kids in the days leading up to resurrection Sunday, along with an additional Easter reading challenge printable game.

Are you looking for a simple Holy Week Bible reading plan you can complete as a family this year? Here are scripture verses to read with your kids, plus an Easter Reading Challenge they'll love.

What is Holy Week?

Holy Week is the week prior to Easter. It begins on Palm Sunday (when Jesus entered Jerusalem), and ends on Easter Sunday, the day of his resurrection.

The eight days of Holy Week are a great time for us to spend reading scripture and reflecting on the sacrifice that was made, the many prophecies that were fulfilled during this week, and the hope we can have each day because the grave is empty!

Bible Verses that Celebrate the Easter Story

This free printable includes 16 Bible verses that are perfect to read during Holy Week during your family devotional time.

Since there are eight days that make up Holy Week, I recommend reading two verses each day. You can go in order on the sheet, or have your kids randomly pick which verses they want to read that day. You might choose to incorporate them into your homeschool as copywork, draw a picture relating to the verses, or memorize them as a family.

If you aren’t particularly familiar with the context surrounding a particular verse, you may like to read the surrounding passages with your kids to get the bigger picture before discussing the significance and meaning of the verses.

Easter Reading Challenge

Not only does this printable include suggested scripture readings, there is also an Easter Reading Challenge to encourage your kids to read in general this month.

Your kids might try to complete each box before the month is over, or just a single row or diagonal to complete the challenge.

Some of the reading challenges on the printable include:

  • Read a book outdoors under a tree.
  • Read a book with the word “EASTER” in the title.
  • Read a book about a celebration.
  • Read a book featuring an Easter tradition.
  • Read a book with Easter eggs on the cover.
Easter reading challenge

As they read each book, your kids can fill out the title and their rating of the book on the included reading log. This will be a great keepsake for your homeschool portfolio.

You’ll also find some cute bookmarks included in the printable. Your kids can decorate them, or use them as-is. I recommend printing them on cardstock if you don’t plan on laminating them for durability.

Easter Bible Reading Plan + Easter Printables

Grab my free printable pack to help your kids keep track of all the Easter books they read this season. Encourage them to complete the reading challenge, and also read (and even write!) all of the scriptures that celebrate the Easter story.

I hope your family enjoys using this resource, and you make some fun memories with your kids this season.


Let me know in the comments: are you going to try the Easter Reading challenge with your kids? I hope you love it!

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