Our Homeschool

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HOMESCHOOL MOM DAY IN THE LIFE // First Day of Homeschool

Interested in seeing a day in the life of a homeschool mom? Come join us on our first day of homeschool! I’m sharing a bit more about my daily routine and the rhythm of our homeschool.

First Week of Homeschool // Our SLOW ROLL into the new homeschool year

We just wrapped up our first calendar week of the new homeschool year – interested in what we did? Let’s chat! I’m sharing the curriculum we covered this week and how we gradually add in our subjects as we begin a new homeschool year.

Homeschool Curriculum Update and Favorite Resources

We just wrapped up our third week of the new homeschool year – interested in how it’s going and which curriculum I’m loving? Let’s chat! In this homeschool curriculum update, I’m sharing what we covered this week and a few of my favorite resources.

Preparing for the Homeschool Year // Homeschool Space Organization

Want to see how I’m preparing for the homeschool year and organizing our homeschool space? Come take a tour of our homeschool area and hang out with me as I declutter, unpack, organize, and get our homeschool supplies ready for the year!

My Father’s World Curriculum Update + Our WORLD CAKES!

We’re two weeks in to My Father’s World Exploring Countries and Cultures homeschool curriculum — here’s how it’s going! PLUS, please check out the WORLD CAKES my kids created and vote for your fave in the comments!

Preschool Homeschool Day in the Life || DO A LESSON WITH US!

Come join us for a preschool homeschool day in the life! We are on Week 3 of using My Father’s World Voyage of Discovery curriculum, and I’m loving the activities and help it offers me in homeschooling my preschooler.

Disciplining Our Kids || Handling Lying and Other Challenges

Parenting is hard.  Disciplining our kids is hard!  But we are called to do it.

In this video I’m going to talk about two resources I use (and love) with my kids that have helped me so much in Biblical parenting and discipline strategies.  I hope you’ll be blessed and encouraged!

Homeschool WEEK in the Life || What We Actually Do || My Father’s World Unit

Check out our homeschool “week in the life” video and see what exactly we do all day and how flexibility in homeschooling is KEY.

Plus, if you’re interested in My Father’s World Exploring Countries and Cultures, this will give you a fantastic look at an entire unit so you know what to expect.

HOMESCHOOL UPDATE | October Reflections + PEP TALK

Let’s chat about how homeschooling has been going! Hear what we’ve been up to, if/what we are changing, and hear the advice I’m preaching to myself these days.

Homeschool Co Op Class // JA Biz Town // What was it like?

This year our homeschool co op ran a JA Biz Town class, which ended in a fun, day-long experience to a local simulated town. Come with me and see what it was like…maybe you’d like to run a similar class with your kids!