Homeschool Prayer Challenge Week 12: Trusting God With Our Finances in Homeschooling

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I’m so thankful you are joining me for the homeschool prayer series! You can learn more about the series here. We’ll pray about a new area of our homeschool journey each week and dig into God’s Word with daily devotional reflections. Find this week’s free printable at the end of this post.

Growing up, I had always assumed I would follow the “typical” path of the traditional family I was a part of. My husband would have a job, I would have a job, and our children would go through daycare, public school, and eventually go through the cycle with their own families.

For a while, it looked a lot like this. I got married, had kids (who went to daycare), and was a public high school teacher for many years before I took a leap of faith to begin a business of my own. I can’t tell you how nerve-wracking it was to not have that “stable” income, but I knew that it was what I was being led to do.

Fast forward a couple of years to when my oldest son was about ready to start Kindergarten. I was running my business full-time from home, and knew that God was calling me to homeschool him the next year. I wrestled with taking a step backwards from my business for a couple of years to get my feet wet in the homeschooling world; I wanted to follow the Lord and devote myself to this new challenge. But I feared: how in the world would we get by with a decrease in our income?

Trusting God with our finances in homeschooling.
Money and homeschooling.

The good news was, God knew the answer to this question, and I knew that as long as I followed Him, our family would have whatever resources we needed to carry out His plan for our lives.

Don’t get me wrong – this certainly doesn’t mean we always have everything I want. Like anyone else, we have to make responsible choices and make sacrifices at times. But it’s so comforting to know that God is in control of everything (even our finances!) and He will meet our needs according to His will.

Tips for Trusting God with Your Finances

Every homeschool family has their own story, their own journey in managing finances. Many families might have only one income, or one parent is working from home while homeschooling at the same time. Some might be scared to even begin – they feel God’s prompting, but are worried about paying bills or affording curriculum.

Trusting God with your money doesn’t mean you throw all caution to the wind; you have to ask for wisdom for the Lord to lead you in the direction He wants your family to go. This is true for whatever stage of homeschooling you are in!

But there are a few things that we can keep in mind as we prepare our hearts to surrender our finances to God, and truly trust that He is in control.

We Are Stewards

It changed my way of thinking when I realized that my money is really God’s, given to me to manage. We are not owners of our money – we are stewards.

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.
Psalm 24:1

What does it mean to be a good steward? I think ultimately, it’s the understanding and believing that what Psalm 24:1 says is true: everything is the Lord’s. When we have this viewpoint, we realize it’s not just the money we give in the offering plate that is God’s – it includes all the rest we have.

Sometimes we can get caught up in materialism, even in our homeschooling journey. Knowing that we are being trusted to manage God’s money well puts our decisions and budget into perspective.

Use Resources Wisely

When we realize that we are stewards of God’s money, it should naturally follow that we want to use that money well and not waste it.

There are so many resources we have to choose from in homeschooling! And using our resources wisely does not mean always choosing free or cheap curriculum. I think that one of the beautiful benefits of homeschooling is being able to choose resources and curriculum that work best for your family and your children.

But we should always be prayerful when choosing materials and curriculum for our homeschools. A great place to start is figuring out what method of homeschooling suits you best; this can help you narrow down options before you get started.

If you are looking to save or reduce your spending on homeschool supplies, there are a lot of great options! Consider utilizing online materials and unit studies, sharing curriculum with friends, and checking out your local library’s calendar of events. You can also find many great homeschool printables for free online.

Cultivate Contentment

When we learn to trust God with our financial situation, we learn to find joy even in situations where we have to get by with less.

It can be easy to get sucked into someone else’s vision of what homeschooling should be, and think that we have to be the same way. Or have all of the same things. When in reality, every family and situation is different, and we need to stay grounded in the decisions we make for our own family.

In the end, our true identities lie in Christ, not in our homeschools or the material things we do or do not have. Practicing gratitude and being content with what we have will go a long way in trusting God with our money.

Have a Plan

I truly wish I would have learned to budget at a younger age – it would have saved me so many problems with money!

Create a budget for your homeschool so you can plan for where your money needs to go. I use the EveryDollar website to create our family budget each month, and I have sections set up for different “funds” we may use in our homeschool (curriculum, field trips, supplies, etc.). Here is a great article on planning your homeschool budget if you are looking for more guidance in this area.

In the midst of all your planning – you guessed it – be prayerful about it! Talk to God about your worries or concerns about your budget and planning for homeschool expenses, and seek His guidance.

Keep An Eternal Focus

Overall, we must remember what our end-goal is in homeschooling. It’s not about having the best curriculum, going on the most spectacular field trips, or even doing this whole homeschool-thing “the best”. We must never make a habit of valuing these things over our calling to bring our children up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

Let’s keep an eternal focus in all we do, homeschool mamas. When we align our priorities with God’s, we will always be on the right track. And when our heart’s desire is storing up treasures in heaven, we will want that much more for how we spend our money to reflect that.

How we use our resources and manage our money is important to God. And what a relief to know that we don’t have to carry worry about finances all on our own! If we are able to trust God with our eternal salvation, I’m pretty sure we should trust Him with our bank accounts. He can handle it.

Let’s seek His wisdom this week for how we are to use our money in our homeschools. Let’s rest in knowing that He will provide for our needs, and that we can place our hope in His promises which will last forever.

Prayer for This Week

Heavenly Father,

You are Jehovah-Jireh, my provider and my ultimate treasure. You are always faithful to meet our homeschooling needs, including what we need financially.

Forgive me for any greed, discontentment, or selfishness in my heart, and for valuing the material things of this world over heavenly treasures. Help me to align my financial practices with your will, and trust you to support our family in our homeschool journey.

Replace my worries about money with faith. Give me wisdom in managing our spending, and help me be a good steward of the gifts you have given our family.

Thank you for your daily provision and your everlasting love. I pray I will keep an eternal focus, and seek you ahead of the things of this world. May you be glorified through our financial habits in our homeschool throughout the year.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen

Join the Challenge

Finally, if you want to join in on the challenge from the very beginning, make sure to sign up below, and you’ll receive a printable prayer and journal pages each week, right to your inbox. Join in any time, and you’ll start the following Monday with Week #1!

Simply click below, follow the instructions, and you’re in.

You’ll also be signed up for the Blessed Homeschool Newsletter and receive my FREE Scripture Memory Cards (designed to complement the prayer challenge) as a bonus.

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