Homeschooling Programs: How to Decide Which One is Right For You

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The decision-making process for homeschooling your children is not an easy one! There are many things you need to consider before settling on homeschooling programs or curriculum for your family.

You need to take your children, yourself, and your family’s lifestyle into account. Choosing the best homeschool curriculum is important, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming if you take it step-by-step. 

In this post, I’ll share some things to keep in mind when choosing your homeschool curriculum. If you are completely new to homeschooling, I recommend you also check out this page where I link all of my best posts for beginners. You can find all of my curriculum reviews here.

Choosing the best homeschooling programs is important, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming if you take it step-by-step. 

Choosing Homeschooling Programs for My Children

First thing you need to consider in deciding on a curriculum for your children is how your children learn. Are your kids more hands-on learners or visual learners? Do they do best when you set the lessons based on academic needs or your children’s interests? Do you have more than one child to consider? Do they enjoy learning using technology and online curriculum?

The beautiful thing about homeschooling is that you can pick and choose what works best for each of your kids. This may take some trial and error – and that’s ok! Your curriculum can (and probably will) evolve many times over the years. Don’t feel like you have to be stuck with whatever you choose right off the bat.

For older children, you’ll want to base your curriculum on what their future plans are. Are they planning to continue to college or are they going to go out into the workforce? Their future plans will help direct your curriculum choices so that you can help them prepare for the next step in their life

Choosing Homeschooling Programs for Me

As the homeschooling parent, you also need to find a curriculum that makes sense to you. You know what kind of learners your children are and you know where they need to start academically. Now you need to find a curriculum that you are comfortable teaching to them. 

BJU Press Homeschool: Our First Year Experiences

Are you going to be hands-on all day every day with your children’s education or are you hoping they can do some or all of their work outsourced through online classes? Are you a list and schedule person or are you a fly by the seat of your pants person with little to no prep work?

Find a curriculum that plays to your strengths as an educator. In order to ensure the best education for yourself and your children, you have to be comfortable. If that means setting your own schedule and figuring it out as you go, or having a list to follow from the very beginning, do what works for you. Make sure that you are flexible, though; this is a learning process!

There are also many resources out there right now for outsourcing homeschool education. You and your homeschoolers might benefit from the extra help, so don’t be afraid to explore what’s out there. 

Choosing Homeschooling Programs for Our Lifestyle & Situation

There are many reasons you might be planning to homeschool your children. Maybe it’s always been your dream to homeschool. Perhaps you went to a traditional school and want something else for your children. Maybe it’s something you are being called to do.

Whatever your needs are for your family situation, you have to make sure that your homeschool curriculum fits your time availability for your children. And if you’re homeschooling on a budget, you’ll need to take that into consideration as well.

The first few years we homeschooled, we used a curriculum that was very much teacher-led; my kids and I did pretty much every single learning activity together. When my youngest son was born, I knew I needed a curriculum that allowed more independent work for my older kids so I could have some time with him. Needs change, and thankfully, so can your curriculum.

Homeschool Curriculum Options

Once you have figured out what kind of homeschooling programs your children need, what and how you are comfortable teaching or outsourcing teaching, and what will fit your family’s lifestyle and budget, you will have a better idea of what kind of homeschool curriculum will work for you. There are many options out there, but keep in mind what your family needs to weed out what you don’t need. 

{Check out all my homeschool curriculum reviews here}

Try a homeschooling curriculum and see how it goes. If it doesn’t work, try another until you find a fit for you and your family. Take homeschooling slowly so that you can get acclimated to life as a homeschooling family. Find a way to balance life and school work so you and your children enjoy working together. If you or they are stressed out, slow down and make a change to what you are doing.  

Homeschooling is a journey and finding the right curriculum is one part of that journey. Don’t forget to take your children, yourself, and your family’s lifestyle into account and start somewhere. Ease in and figure out what homeschooling looks like for you. You can do it!

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