FREE Printable Scripture Memory Cards for Kids: 1 Corinthians 13

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Do your kids love memory games? Today I’m bringing you this classic game, with a fun twist: scripture memory! It uses one of my favorite memory verses, 1 Corinthians 13, and I’ve got some free printable scripture memory cards you can use with your kids.

This printable memory match game is a great way to boost reading and memory skills, and to help kids learn God’s Word through this scripture passage about love.

Memory Games Build Important Skills

Memory games are a great tool for kids because they help them build skills such as attention, focus, and strategizing.

You might not think much strategy goes into a game like memory, but kids have to plan their moves and think ahead, which are important skills they’ll use everyday. Playing memory games can also help improve short-term memory function.

With this printable game, kids will get some reading practice as well as they work to match up parts of 1 Corinthians 13.

Scripture Memory Match Game for Kids

Known as being the scripture passage about love, this 1 Corinthians 13 Memory Match game is a fun addition to any of your homeschool Valentine’s Day lessons, or really, any day of the year!

I’ll also share with you some fun variations of the classic memory game you can use the cards for. Read on and make sure you grab my FREE 1 Corinthians Memory Match digital download below.

Fun Way for Kids to Practice Scripture Memorization

Memorizing scripture verses isn’t always easy – we have to come up with creative ways to make it stick! Making a game out of learning a new verse can often be the best way to go.

In Deuteronomy 6:7, Israelites were instructed to teach the word of God and His commands to their children, and it is important for us to do so today as well. We want to create that solid foundation for them to build their lives on, and have the sword of the spirit as a powerful tool to lean on.

This scripture memory verse is one that all children should learn and hide in their hearts. Paul explains here about the most important spiritual gift we have been given: love. Knowing the truths of the key verse 1 Corinthians 13 will help guide them in their interactions with others, and point them to God’s love and his greatest display of it: sending Christ Jesus to come to earth and die on the cross for our salvation.

Scripture Memory Match Game for Kids

How to Use the Printable Memory Cards

The PDF file is a free download below and will come with 4 pages: 2 are the decorative “backs” of the cards, and 2 are the actual memory cards.

You’ll want to check your margins on your printer and print these pages double-sided. I printed mine on this paper that I like to use for planner pages and other printables I write on, but you could use card stock as well.

I also laminated the printable cards, just to make them a little more durable.

1 Corinthians 13 Scripture Memory Game for kids

If you don’t want to print double-sided, you can also print the four pages out, and glue the back side to the memory verse cards, and then cut them out.

As a homeschool mom, you most likely have a laminator for projects like these, but if not, here’s the one I use, along with these laminating pouches. So handy to have – we use ours all the time!

Once you have all the cards cut out, store them in a small snack-sized plastic baggie for easy storage.

How to Play Memory

When your cards are ready, shuffle them and have your kids set them up facedown in a grid.

Each player will take turns to pick two cards. Flip them over on the table – if they match, they take the cards and get to go again for another turn! If they don’t match, turn them back over in the same spot on the table.

Whoever makes the most matches wins!

Other Fun Ways to Use Your Memory Match Cards

Once you play this game the traditional way, here are some other fun ideas for your Memory Match Cards:

  • As your kids flip their cards over, have them practice reading by reading the part of the verse on their cards out loud.
  • Turn the cards over and try to line them up in the order they appear in the verse
1 Corinthians 13 memory verse game
  • See how many of the lines your kids can recall by memory without looking!
  • Play BINGO with your cards! Simply print out an extra sheet with the pictures on it for all players. Then, take the cards you have prepared and lay them facedown on the table. Players take turns selecting a card and placing it on the matching space on their board. Whoever gets four-in-a-row first, wins.
  • What’s missing? Give your kids a few cards (start with 5 – you can always add more if this is too easy!). Let them study the cards for a minute, then take them away and remove one. See if they can tell you which card was removed! You can ask them to tell you the scripture or which animal was on the card.

Grab Your FREE Printable Scripture Cards!

My kids really enjoy memory games, and they loved this set of printable scripture cards featuring 1 Corinthians 13.

You’ll get 16 pairs of cards to play with in this Memory Match Game. Each card has a different animal on it, along with a part of the 1 Corinthians 13 scripture:

Love is patient
Love is kind
Love does not envy
Love does not brag
Love is not proud
Love does not behave inappropriately
Love does not seek its own way
Love is not provoked
Love takes no account of evil
Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness
Love rejoices with the truth
Love bears all things
Love believes all things
Love hopes all things
Love endures all things
Love never fails

Reading through this scripture verse, we can remind our kids that although the Holy Spirit can help us and guide us, ultimately we will fail at loving in these ways. God himself is the only one who displays this perfect love, and we are so thankful for His grace and the gift He has given us through Jesus Christ!

One day, everything else will fade away…but love will last forever.

Enter your information below to download the free scripture cards and enjoy this fun game with your kids!


Drop a comment and let me know: what are your favorite verses you have learned with your kids? Have you ever made your own bible verse cards to help you memorize scripture?

If you know any friends who would love this printable as well, please pin this post or share on your favorite social media channel.

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  1. Just downloaded the love cards! I can’t wait to use them. I think this will be perfect to add to our thanksgiving activities. We are all grateful for love and God! Thank you so much! Have a blessed day!

  2. Great idea for Bible memory! What Bible version is this?

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