Crafted With Love: Wonderful Service Projects for Crafty Kids!

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In my last post of this series, I talked about how you and your kids can give back by throwing a party! Teaching our kids to serve others is such a valuable opportunity we have in our homeschools. In this post, I’ll share some great ways you can use your homeschool crafts to give back.

My kids love anything artsy or crafty (and so do I!). Have you ever thought about using your creations to give back to others? Your love of crafting and creating can be used to easily lift others up and spread joy – it’s a win-win situation!

Making crafts for various charities is a creative way to get your kids involved (and, you’ll get some art hours in as an added bonus!). You can use a talent you already have, or use this as a great learning opportunity with your kids to try something new.

Homeschool Crafts that Give Back

Here are some great ideas for projects you can do with your kids that make a difference. Choose one that best fits your ability levels or interest, and get crafting!

  • Create a homemade blanket to donate to Project Linus. Blankets can be a great source of comfort and security for kids in challenging situation. This organization delivers blankets to kids in hospitals, shelters, and social service agencies.
crochet needles and threads on windowsill
Photo by Anete Lusina on

Here’s a link to an easy no-sew blanket you can make with your kids, or you can knit and crochet a blanket to donate.

  • Create crafts to include in an Operation Christmas Child shoebox. This site has a lot of great ideas and tutorials for crafts you can easily add to a box!

  • Crochet or knit a beanie for Knots of Love. Visit their website for pattern suggestions and info on how you can donate. You can also make blankets for NICU patients and donate them through this organization (or even to your local NICU). We treasured the blankets and caps our girls received when they were in the NICU.

  • Join the Caring Crochet Club and crochet for a cause! If you love to crochet and want inspiration at your doorstep each month, this is a great subscription box for you.

You’ll receive instructions and materials every month for a new project, as well as information on how to donate it once you’re complete. You’ll learn how to make something new, and be able to give back at the same time! Just another reason we love Annie’s Kit Clubs.

  • Color a smile! If you and your kids love to color, you can visit this website to send beautiful, cheerful creations to senior citizens and military who are overseas.

  • Your kids might enjoy creating and laminating bookmarks with kind messages to leave in your local library.

  • Operation Gratitude has a program called Handmade With Love that collects items for deployed service men and women. You can knit or crochet scarves, make a handmade greeting card, or make a different sewing craft to donate.

Making the World Brighter

…one craft at a time!

I hope this list gave you some great ideas for homeschool crafts that give back. Depending on your ability level, some of the ideas and crafts might seem a little daunting, but working on a project and showing our kids how we can bless others with our gifts is priceless. There is always something we can do, no matter our craft-ability level!

If you aren’t particularly crafty, though, you can still give the gift of crafting to others through programs like Caitlin’s Smiles or Help Heal Veterans. Craft kits provided by these organizations can be very therapeutic and also help people in hard situations find a joy that comes from crafting.

Don’t Miss the 12 Days of Serving Others Series

This post is part of the series “12 Days of Serving Others”. In this series, you’ll find great tips and ideas on how you can incorporate service and volunteering into your homeschool all year.

I’ll link the rest of the series posts here to make it easy to navigate!

  1. Something Important That Might Be Missing From Your Homeschool
  2. The “Giving Box” and Other Ways Kids Will Love to Donate
  3. How Your Creative Cards Can Make a Big Impact
  4. Helping Our Furry Friends: Fun Ways Kids Can Get Involved
  5. The Best Boxes You’ll Ever Pack
  6. One Wreath Can Make a Difference
  7. Random Acts of Kindness: How to Make Them a Habit
  8. Why You’ll Want to Host a “Packing Party” This Season
  9. Crafted With Love: Wonderful Service Projects for Crafty Kids!
  10. How To Begin Volunteering With Your Family
  11. 7 Ways to Bless Others With Your Baking Skills
  12. How to Build a Great Foundation for Service With Your Kids

Comment below and let me know – have you created any homeschool crafts for charity? If not, what might you think of trying with your kids?

This post is also part of the 12 Days of Homeschooling Fun Through the Holidays Series. Click here to check out the other amazing bloggers who are a part of this, and to enter the giveaway!

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