Free St. Patrick’s Day Treasure Hunt Activity for Kids
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Who doesn’t love a good treasure hunt? This St. Patrick’s Day, your kids will have so much fun looking for their “pot of gold” at the end of the rainbow!
I love doing fun activities little scavenger hunts to make holidays extra-special for my kids. This St. Patrick’s Day scavenger hunt printable is a perfect one to keep on hand and a great way to celebrate.

How Do We Do a St. Patrick’s Day Treasure Hunt?
This St. Patrick’s Day treasure hunt is a fun way for your kids to find a small gift or treat you have hidden for them somewhere in your house.
Aside from learning about the holiday, we don’t usually have too many other activities or events (like we do on other special days), so a treasure hunt will be a big hit with our kids this year.
There are a series of different clues included in this printable that will lead your kids to various places around the house, looking for the first clue, then the next clue, and then eventually – the treasure at the last clue!
These clues are perfect for elementary-aged kids; not too hard to figure out, and they will have a lot of fun looking for the clues around your home.
The End of the Treasure Hunt
It’s totally up to you what you want to lead your kids to find at the end of your St. Patrick’s Day treasure hunt.
You might hide some chocolate gold coins at the final clue to fit the theme, or a small toy or game; it doesn’t have to be anything fancy. They will enjoy the hunt and the surprise of it all (but you can never go wrong with chocolate or candy).
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You’ll start off by giving your kids the first card. This will lead to the next clue, and so on. Most of the clues I included are pretty generic, and you should be able to find hiding spots for them in your home.
Here are the clues included in the St. Patrick’s Day Treasure Hunt:
- Sneaky little leprechauns have visited your house. They left a trail as quiet as a mouse. Follow the clues that they left behind and enjoy the wonderful treasure you shall find.
- Four-leaf clovers are lucky as can be! Turn the knob to open me, if I’m locked, you must use a key.
- So close to that pot of gold, and you are feeling bold. After your clothes are washed, here you must give them a fold.
- If it’s treasure you seek, come take a peek, on the place where you sleep.
- Don’t give up, keep looking for those clues. I come in twos and you put me on before your shoes.
- Leprechauns are smart and hard to trap. To find your next clue, you don’t need a map. Just go to the place where you wash your hair and you’ll find it in a snap.
- Those sneaky little leprechauns sure think you are groovy. Find the next clue where you go watch a movie.
- Now use your feet to find a seat. You might try looking underneath.
- You did it again, you’re hot on the trail…now look for the place where you check for the mail.
- Irish kisses and shamrock pinches, search in the place where you keep your riches.
- You’re nearing the end, it’s almost done. We sure hope you had some fun! Now look in the place that keeps milk cold. Then you’re on the right path to the rainbow and gold.
- The pot of gold is yours to keep. Enjoy this happy St. Patrick’s Day treat!
Simply download the cards below, print, cut, and you’re ready to go! I like to use cardstock to make them a little bit more durable.
Free Printable Scavenger Hunt
There are 4 pages included in this fun activity printable PDF file: the clue cards, and pages with the background designs. If you want to be fancy, you can print double-sided on white cardstock so you have a design on both sides; otherwise, just print the pages with the clues on them.
Laminate them if you want to use each year – yes, the clues are the same, but kids of all ages will still have fun with it for a couple of years to come!

If you love this Saint Patrick’s Day printable, make sure to check out the other freebies I share on my blog. I’m continually adding to my collection of fun freebies for your home and homeschool!
Drop a comment below: will you try the treasure hunt this year? If so, what prize will you leave for your kids? I can’t wait to see!

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Thank you for making your stellar treasure hunt clues available to the public. Much appreciated.