Teaching Our Kids to Delight In God’s Word

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I’m so thankful you are joining me in this homeschool prayer challenge! You can learn more about the series here. We’ll pray about a new area of our homeschool journey each week and dig into God’s Word with daily devotional reflections. Find this week’s free printable at the end of this post.

This week, I was picking up a few travel-sized items for an upcoming family vacation. I picked up a little first aid kit and figured I had better buy one to keep in my purse, “just in case”.

When I got home, I started switching out my things from one purse to the one I wanted to bring with me. I took out the little New Testament Bible I had packed inside, the one I carry around with me wherever I go … “just in case”.

It got me thinking (and feeling a little guilty) … just in case of what? If I was being honest with myself, I hadn’t opened that Bible recently, or even used it in the way I had planned to when I first bought it. How often, do we treat God’s Word just like that little first aid kit I bought for my purse?

Join us for the homeschool mom prayer challenge - and spend this year praying over your homeschool!

We don’t always give it much thought, because it’s always going to be there when we need it. We know that we can reach for our Bibles when we need that “perfect verse”, or that we can call out to the Lord in prayer when we need help because He has promised to never leave us. How often do we take this precious gift for granted and make it less than our top priority?

Delight in the Lord

This week, I am praying that we not only make the time to study the Bible in our homeschools, but that we delight in His Word, and show our kids through our actions how to love God’s Word.

To delight in something means to take great pleasure in it, to enjoy it. This means that our homeschool Bible time is not just another subject we get to check off the list. It’s something that we desire to make time for, that we look forward to, and that we are fulfilled by.

So often, our busy schedules can get in the way of us truly delighting in the Lord. I’d challenge you this week, as you pray about this, to consider what might need to changed in your daily routine so that you can stay committed to daily intentional bible study. If you truly delighted in the Lord this week, what would look different about your homeschool?

Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

When we delight ourselves in the Lord, it means that we are fully satisfied by Him. Our will begins to match up to His will as we go about our daily lives. How do we get to this point? And better yet, how do we teach our kids to delight in the Lord?

One of the best things we can do is remain diligent in prayer. Pray with your kids throughout your homeschool day, and let them see the joy we have from a personal relationship with Christ. Pray when things go well, and when they don’t. Pray that you will be seek God first and be satisfied by Him above all else. He desires that relationship with us, and when we seek Him first, He will renew any delight that is lacking in our lives.

Be intentional about the steps you are taking to grow closer to God, whether it’s through reading, memory verses, listening to worship music, scripture writing, or something else. Don’t let the Word of our Holy God take the same place on your shelf as your first aid kit; be proactive about delighting in Him this week.

Prayer For This Week

Heavenly Father, you are always good, faithful, and unchanging. Thank you for giving us your Word that reflects your awesome nature.

Your Word provides me with so much comfort and guidance, yet I know I do not always seek You with my entire heart. Help me to diligently study Your Word, and trust that You alone are my sustenance and strength.

Open my eyes to what needs to be eliminated from my schedule so that I may rest in You more. Teach me how to slow down and abide in You, and let me be a guide to my kids, showing them how to live a life that is pleasing to you.

Thank you for the light of your life-changing Word, and for the opportunity to draw close to you that I do not want to take for granted. Most of all, thank you for sending Jesus, the Word made flesh, so that we may have peace and life everlasting through Him. To you, Father, be all praise and glory forever. Amen.

This Week’s Printable

Each week, I put together a short devotional you can print out with prompts and reflective questions to help keep you in the Word daily. There’s also a sheet with the weekly prayer on it you can print and hang in your homeschool room.

It’s my hope that this printable helps serve as a reminder to be in God’s Word each day, praying and seeking His will for your life and homeschool.

Join the Challenge

Finally, if you want to join in on the challenge from the very beginning, make sure to sign up below, and get a copy of my Printable Devotional Pages sent to your inbox. Join in any time, and you’ll start the following Monday with Week #1!


I would love to hear from you in the comments below: what steps will you take this week to grow closer to God through His Word?

Don’t forget to check out my homeschool freebies page, where I’ll be adding links to all of my free printables and resources for you in one easy-to-access spot.

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