A Christmas M&M Poem That Shares a Beautiful Reminder

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This Christmas M&M Poem is a great way to share the Christmas message with your kids, and help them share the good news with friends and neighbors! Grab the free printable at the end of this post to attach to your Christmas treats this year.

Christmas is such a beautiful time of the year. For kids, it’s full of so many exciting memory-making moments.

There’s just so much to take in and enjoy, from baking cookies to caroling, making handmade Christmas cards, decorating the tree, and enjoying all the delicious Christmas goodies.

As your family makes plans over the next few weeks, remember to find ways to stop and remind the kids about the Christmas story and to keep Christ’s birth the focus of all your celebrations.

One way to do that is with this Christmas M&M poem! Not only is it fun to share with your kids, but it’s a great tool to help you share the gospel with others this season.

This Christmas M&M Poem is a great way to share the Christmas message with your kids, and help them share the good news with friends and neighbors!

The Christmas M&M Poem and the message of the Holiday

I’m sure the red and green M&M’s or even just a regular bag of M&M candy will find their way into your children’s hands. 

Use the opportunity to sit down and share the M&M’s poem with them, highlighting the true meaning of Christmas.

Take an M&M and turn it around till the ‘M’ becomes an ‘E’ and then share the poem:

E is for the East, where the beautiful star shone bright.

(Turn the candy button) M is for the manger, where baby Jesus lay at night.

(Turn the candy button) 3 stands for the special gifts, all for the Christ child.

Gold, frankincense, and myrrh, symbols for His life.

(Turn the candy button) W is for worship because a Savior was born.

The reason we celebrate Christmas, God’s gift to one and all.

Such a beautiful reminder of why we celebrate this wonderful season!

Your family will never forget this simple but impactful visual reminder of the Christmas Story (and will never look at an M&M the same way!).

Consider sharing the Christmas M&M Poem this Season

I have the Christmas M&M Poem in a ready-to-print card format to share with the people your family meets.

It doesn’t take a long time to put together a simple gift using this wonderful poem and some M&M candy!

Print the cards on white cardstock, punch a hole in the top, and thread some ribbon through the hole. Fill a small mason jar with red and green M&M, tie the card to the top, and you’ve got the perfect gift! I’d recommend resizing the file before printing, depending on how big you want the card to print.

Pass a few out to friends in the neighborhood, at a Christmas parade, or even as Christmas favors after a fun celebration. 


May we never forget the reason we celebrate-God’s precious gift to all! Enjoy!

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  1. Daisy Nelson says:

    Looking forward to this giveaway!

  2. Thank you for the Christmas M&M Poem idea.

  3. this is a sweet idea. hope you have a great holiday season

  4. what a wonderful sentiment

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