30 Fun Mom and Toddler Activities: Best Ideas for Easy Play!

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I’ll be the first one to admit that I don’t always feel like the “fun” stay at home mom. I sometimes have a hard time coming up with fun things to do with my toddler, but long to spend that quality time with him that he needs.

Working from home while homeschooling doesn’t make it any easier, as there is always something that must get done, and play can get pushed to the backburner.

What helps me in being intentional is having a go-to list of fun ideas and easy toddler activities that we can enjoy together. Trying to check all of the mother and son activities off the list can be a fun challenge!

If you have a busy toddler at home and struggle to come up with activities to enjoy together, this list of mom and toddler activities is for you.

Fun Mom and Toddler Activities

If you have a busy toddler at home as well and struggle to come up with activities to enjoy together, this list is for you. The activities will most likely be best for three year olds and closer to preschool age, but kids of all ages might enjoy many of these!

Put Together Puzzles

You can never go wrong with a few good puzzles. I have some great memories of my oldest son and I picking a puzzle to complete together before bedtime.

You’ll want to choose puzzles that are challenging, but not too hard for the developmental stage of your child. Here are a few ideas to get your collection started.

Play Matching Games

In addition to puzzles, my older son loved playing this matching game with me. There are a lot of different themed games, so you can pick one with characters your kids love!

Playing matching games is a fun activity that strengthens memory skills and offers other benefits as well, in addition to the fun factor.

Coloring Pages

Sounds simple, but coloring with your toddler is a great activity. I love this website for finding free printable coloring sheets for my toddler. I can search for just about any topic he loves (right now it’s anything T-Rex!) and we have a great time coloring or painting together.

Color by Number is also a fun way to pass the time and build necessary skills. Grab this free color by number printable and some washable markers and create beautiful pictures with your toddler while helping them follow directions!

If you’re looking for a fun alternative to crayons and paint, pick up an Aqua Doodle mat – they’re a bit hit in our home!

Story Time and Library Activities

Check to see if your local library offers any mom and toddler activities like story times. These are a great way to introduce your children to new book, build literacy skills, and just have fun with often interactive stories and songs.

Many libraries also offer story walks, or opportunities to read to animals, which is also a unique way to not only enjoy each others’ company, but practice reading skills (even if you’re just reading picture books!)

Free Learning Printables

There are a lot of great printables online you can use not to just distract your toddler and keep them busy, but to interact with them as they learn. It’s so much fun to watch those little lightbulbs go off when they learn something new!

Try my Monthly Lego Challenges, Four Seasons Bingo, or Shapes Worksheets to get you started.

Rock Collecting and Painting

Searching for and collecting rocks is a great idea in and of itself for little ones – painting them adds a whole new layer of interest!

Find some rocks with your kids and cover them with different colors together. You can either keep them or hide them someplace for someone to find. Here’s a great book that will give you some ideas and spark creativity!

Play-Doh Activities

This is something I always have on-hand for my toddler to use! There are so many interesting Play-Doh kits available, or you can simply use it with my Shape Playdough Mats for something a little different.

You might have a good time making your own playdough as well and using it with some of the best play doh tools.

Get Creative with Sticker Playsets

Sticker playsets (like this one) are a great way to interact with your toddler. Or if you simply have a lot of stickers on hand, make a creative picture with your toddler.

Try Canvas Painting

We use Creating a Masterpiece for some of our homeschool art projects. The first one we ever completed was a canvas painting. I knew he wouldn’t be able to necessarily follow along with my older children, but I grabbed a blank canvas for our 3-year old anyway.

He had an absolute blast painting on the canvas! Adding something new and unique like this can go a long way in sparking creativity. Provide brushes, sponges, or other items your little one can use with the paint, and you have a great mom and toddler memory-making activity.

Have a Dance Party

Who doesn’t love a good dance party? It’s one of my toddler’s favorite things to do – put on some music on the Alexa and boogie!

Play Board Games

There are so many wonderful board games for toddlers available, and you likely have some at home already. Pull them out and play! Your toddle might want to take the lead and create their own game rules, but just go with it and have a good time.

Visit the Local Parks & Playground

Head over to the playground for some outdoor mom and toddler activities. Your kiddo will love being pushed on the swing, climbing, sliding, and letting loose! (Bonus – it’s also a great way for them to tire themselves out and hopefully have an easy bedtime!).

Play with a Sensory Bucket

Sensory bins and sensory bottles (like this alphabet sensory bottle or ice cream sensory bin) are often recommended for toddlers, and I have seen why firsthand – they will occupy my little one for at least an hour most days! They are also great for their fine motor skills.

You can create your own sensory bin using sand, plastic dinosaurs, toy cars, and other items your toddler likes to play with. Or, if you’re like me and don’t want to put one together yourself (no shame in that!), there are many great pre-made options you can purchase.

Play Music Together

Foster a love of music with your toddler by playing music together. Find a local pre-school music class you can take together, or simply make up your own music on a piano or homemade instrument.

You can pick up some musical instruments to have on hand here.

Try a Virtual Experience

Although we don’t allow a ton of screen time for our toddler, we do have a few learning apps and games we love to play (such as Reading Eggs and Teach a Monster to Read).

There are also a few options for online play and learning experiences, such as Playspaces digital playground. Check it out for a new activity to try!

Create a Homemade Obstacle Course

Make an obstacle course in your living room or backyard using different items, such as plastic rings, pool noodles, cones, and more. Your kids will love building it with you and also seeing you join in on the fun!

Play Hide and Seek

One of the classic mom and toddler activities! It never gets old for my kids. Take turns with your toddler determining who will hide and who will seek, and enjoy this game together.

Ride Bikes Together

I never purchased a balance bike for my older kids, but last year we got this balance bike for my toddler and he absolutely loves it. I love that it’s adjustable and convertible, so when he is ready he can practice using the pedals.

His balance has gotten so good while using it! So he’s working on some large motor skills and we’re both getting some exercise when the weather is nice.

If your little one isn’t quite old enough yet, consider one of these bike trailers to use when you’re going out for a ride.

Go on a Nature Walk

Take the children out for a nature walk in your subdivision. You might also look for different trails in your area that are worth hiking on and take a day trip to explore.

Here are some great nature walk activities you can try, including a free nature walk printable to use with your toddlers.

Have a Tea Party

This is one of my favorite mom and toddler activities. Grab a tea party set that you can get out for this special activity, make some yummy finger foods, and enjoy this time with your kids.

If you can, make this a once-a-week or month ritual. Your toddler can dress up if they like, to make it even more fun! Tie this in with a read-aloud and some table manners teaching, and it will be an experience to remember.

Experience Process Art

If you haven’t tried creating process art experiences with your toddlers, I recommend reading this post from Messy Little Monsters. Be prepared for a possible mess with this art experience – but the benefits (and time connecting) are worth it!

Plant Flowers

Grab this gardening set and grow a flower garden with your kids! Your toddler might especially love decorating the flower pot with stickers.

You can also simply give your little one a watering pail and a shovel and let them tag along as you work outside, digging in the soil and planting seeds.

Play with Soapy Water

This is another easy activity that is a hit every time. We simply fill a large bowl with soapy water, and play “car wash” or “dino wash” with toys in the water.

Put on a Puppet Show

Encourage your kids to put on a fun puppet show if you have puppets in the house. If not…make some out of old socks or paper bags! This is a wonderful activity for rainy days when you can’t get outside.

Make a Memory Box

Have the kids make a memory box that they can look back on at a later time. It should include a list of their current favorite things, such as favorite food, favorite color, and favorite song. The part they’ll love the most? Bury it in the yard somewhere to dig up in a year or two!

Play Balloon Volleyball

Play a fun game of balloon volleyball. The kids can hit the ball back and forth, and the best part is you don’t have to worry about breaking a window in the process! It’s a fun game that can quickly get competitive!

Decorate a Playhouse

Do your kids love to play with cardboard boxes as much as mine? If you have a huge box laying around the house, get them out to decorate and build a playhouse!

You can also pick up these cardboard forts to color and personalize.

Take a Little Gym Class

This one isn’t necessarily cheap, but it’s one of my favorite mom and toddler activities as well. I really enjoyed taking the mom and toddler classes at the Little Gym near us when our kids were little; it’s a great place to explore and for your active toddlers to get out some energy!

Take a look at options near you to see if you can find child classes that might work for your budget and schedule.

Food Coloring

There are a lot of ways you can creatively use food coloring when playing with your toddler! Use it to color rice or pasta for your sensory bins or homemade scented playdough. Find some other fun activities that use food coloring here.

Bake Something

My little one is always asking to help me in the kitchen – so find something you can bake together! Here are some ideas to get you started. And it will be even easier if you have some kid-friendly tools for your toddler to use (and they’ll feel so grown up using them!).

So there you have it! These are some of the best things to do with your toddler that are sure to be a hit and bust boredom. I hope you find something in this list that will encourage precious time spent between you and your toddler.

Pin this list for when you need a new idea to try. And leave a comment below: what are some of your favorite mom and toddler activities that aren’t on this list?

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