Hi friends! I’m so glad you stopped by – I’m looking forward to connecting with you and sharing a bit of my journey with you.
Blessed Homeschool is a place where I desire to bring inspiration to homeschool moms. As this blog grows, I want to help you find the resources and tools you need to be successful and create a homeschool you love. I want to encourage you to rest daily in God’s presence and be blessed in your homeschool journey, through trials and the victories.
I am a former high school math teacher turned entrepreneur turned homeschool mom. Let me tell you, I never thought I would be homeschooling my kids, and never thought I could (yep, I’m one of those).
I taught high school while I had my first three kiddos (Luke was born in 2011, and my twin girls Emma & Carly were born in 2013). They attended a daycare/pre-school that we LOVED, and I was certain I would be a teacher the rest of my life in public school.

Through a series of events that I can only attribute to the Lord, I began an online store in 2014. Random, right? Even more random is the fact that it was an online essential oil jewelry company. Totally unrelated to math education, huh? I could write an entire post about how this all came to be (maybe I will sometime!).
Anyway, as I built my business, I realized that I had a passion for e-commerce. Within just a few months, I was earning an income that rivaled my teaching salary. I was able to quit my teaching job and work my online store full-time for about 2 years until my son was ready to go to Kindergarten.
I had always planned on just…sending my kids to school. That’s what I had done, that’s what my husband, Josh, had done (we actually met in high school marching band).
Little did I know that God had other plans.
I’ll never forget the morning I sat in church, and felt so clearly that we were being called to homeschool our kids.
All of the events of the past couple of years had been leading to this, had been making it possible for homeschooling to become a reality. And here came the realization of this.
I’ll never forget the feeling of the tears welling up, knowing what was being asked of me, yet wondering how on earth I could make this happen (and how I would tell my husband about this revelation). I knew how to teach public high school, but teaching my kids at home? While trying to run a business at the same time??
It felt like an impossible request.

My best friend reminded me that God will equip us to what He calls us to. 2 Corinthians 9:8 tells us, “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.” God didn’t pave the path to homeschool through the string of events in my life just to leave me to fend for myself. He would be with me, so I could carry this to completion.
And so, through some friends and amazing homeschool conventions, I got set to homeschool my son in Kindergarten the next year. And I have never looked back.
We are only on our 4th year of homeschooling as I write this (November 2020!), but I have learned a lot so far and definitely have some helpful tips to share. I ended up selling my online company in July of 2019, but couldn’t stay away from e-commerce for too long.
I opened up Homeschool Style Co. in February 2020 to create and share fun homeschool-themed shirts, mugs, and other accessories with the homeschool community (make sure to go check it out when you have a chance!). This blog started as an extension of that business, but quickly took a life all it’s own.

We welcomed our newest little one, Oliver, in December 2018, and he has been a wonderful addition to our family. He has also added a new level of challenge for me as I adjust to have a toddler at home full-time for the first time while homeschooling our older kids.
But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

My husband and I will celebrate 16 years of marriage this upcoming year. We met in high school marching band (I was in color guard and he was in the drumline).
I love the tv show Survivor, the color pink, Culver’s ice cream, and am very type-A.
My three older kids all have the same birthday. What makes this even crazier is that my twins were premature by 3 months, so this definitely was not planned.
Working out is my stress relief. I am a part-time fitness instructor and am certified to teach Les Mills Body Pump and RPM classes. I love running and have completed 7 full marathons in 7 different states so far.
I can’t garden to save my life (don’t take away my homeschool mom badge please!).
Peppermint mocha coffee creamer is my go-to every season of the year.
I’m a cake decorator wanna be. We go big on birthdays, and with 3 on the same day each year, you can imagine we have a lot. of. cake. But it’s so much fun!
If there is anything specific you would love to learn or read about, please don’t hesitate to contact me – I would love to hear from you! And if you haven’t yet checked out my homeschool apparel yet, take a quick peek today at Homeschool Style Co. and find your new favorite homeschool t-shirt!