Pre-K Homeschool Schedule Made Easy with This Fun Curriculum

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Although you don’t need a curriculum to homeschool preschool, I have found one we absolutely love.

This curriculum keeps God’s Word central, includes wonderful readers, hands-on activities, and movement suggestions.

It helps me add just enough structure to my day as I juggle homeschooling my preschooler and three older kids.

And it requires almost no planning! Lessons are open-and-go, and require many supplies I already have on hand (or easily prepped at the beginning of our school year).

Which curriculum are we using this year for homeschool preschool?

Looking for an easy and flexible Pre K homeschool schedule?  Check out our routine and learn more about the curriculum we love.

Last year I used My Father’s World All Aboard the Animal Train with my 3 year old, and this year we are venturing into their Voyage of Discovery curriculum.

We’re three weeks in, and love it just as much!

My Father’s World Homeschool Curriculum

If you aren’t familiar with My Father’s World curriculum, you might like to check out my full review post here.

This curriculum is wonderful for families who love to learn together, gravitate towards Charlotte Mason homeschool methods, and enjoy unit studies.

My preschooler and I both enjoyed the thematic approach last year as we learned about animals, colors, and Biblical character traits. This year we are excited to learn more about numbers, the alphabet, and our community…and of course (and most importantly!) God’s truth.

Our Preschool Schedule

The Voyage of Discovery lessons take about an hour, and we personally only do 4 a week.

Thursdays are our homeschool co-op days, so we skip MFW Voyage on this day.

How do we do this? The curriculum is so flexible, and Fridays are typically pretty light on work. I usually just take what we would be doing on Friday and fit it into another day if it’s an activity we really want to do.

A Peek at Our Pre K Homeschool Schedule

I love that I don’t even have to plan out our schedule, because the My Father’s World Teacher Manual lays it out so beautifully!

Typically, I’ll spend a little bit of time on Friday afternoon looking over next week’s lessons and any materials I might need to prep (or purchase over the weekend – typically for any food-related activities).

If you look at the pictures above, this is a weekly layout of our lessons, which is basically my Pre K homeschool schedule. We begin at the top and make our way down the list!

I think it will give you the best idea if you watch us go through one of the lessons. So I did a short video of our Week 3 Day 3 lesson from My Father’s World Voyage of Discovery!

So our typical Pre K homeschool schedule looks like something like this:

Helping together — There are different chores we are working on, and the curriculum will typically have us doing one chore for a few weeks to get into a good habit. Right now we are working on making the bed.

Memory Verse — There are some great scripture songs that are referenced to use in this curriculum. It’s helping BOTH of us learn our memory verse each week! I’ll play the songs at the beginning, or during one of our activities when we don’t have to talk as much (you didn’t see this in the video because I typically play them on my phone, and I used my phone to record).

Bible Verse/Story/Activity — We’ll read the Bible passage we’re focusing on, and usually have some sort of hands-on activity to go along with this each day.

ABC’s and More — We’re learning a new letter sound each week, so there is always some sort of activity surrounding this. These activities could include fine motor or large motor skills. Learning numbers is in this section too. The Teacher Manual gives so many ideas for activities in this area!

Outside Time — Outside time is recommended each day; sometimes structured activities are suggested, other times free play (but again, there are a lot of ideas for this time in the Teacher Manual!).

Story Time — This will either be a book I pick up from the library (from their suggested reading list), or one of the curriculum books. You don’t see us doing this in the video because we actually did the reading the day before (gotta love that flexibility)!

Educational Toys — They Voyage of Discovery package comes with multiple educational toys that we get to play with each day. My son loves these! The curriculum also comes with some great activity cards you can use with the toys to give you even more ideas on how to utilize them.

All of this is really easy to include in our day, and it usually takes me an hour or less. Sometimes we will do it all at once, but other times, we will do sections here and there (break it up throughout the day) if I need to divide my time between the other kids.

But honestly, with my preschooler I try to do it all together as often as possible!

Effortless Pre K Homeschool Routine

I hope that this gives you a good idea of what this beautiful curriculum is like, especially if you’re trying to make the decision about what to use in your own homeschool.

We have really enjoyed it so far. I love the flexibility, the gentleness, the Biblical focus, and it’s just enough for my little one at this age.

Head to My Father’s World to learn more, AND to get a $25 discount on your purchase!

Let me know if you have any questions in the comments — I’d love to hear from you if you are considering to use My Father’s World Voyage of Discovery!

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