Best Christian Chapter Books for Teens and Tweens

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Hey moms!

Are you searching for clean books for your 8-12 year old reader?

Do you feel like finding those clean books is a little harder than it used to be?

I do!

In the last two years, I’ve had to veto many promising books because they contained excessive foul language, sexualized content, or a view of gender that contradicts what the Bible teaches.

I don’t expect secular books to adhere to all the details of my faith. And yet, Christian parents used to have some shared ground with secular society regarding what is and is not appropriate for children to consume. Lately, it seems that common ground is shrinking.

As a homeschool mom of young children, I’ve watched firsthand the children’s entertainment industry become increasingly hostile to families like mine—even companies with long histories of family-friendly values, like Disney and Pixar.

But hope is not lost!

There are so many wonderful Christian authors working to create stories that will thrill your kids while supporting your values.

I’d like to share a few of my favorites below. Maybe some of them will become your favorites too.

There are so many wonderful Christian chapter books with stories that will thrill your kids while supporting your values.  Here are a few favorites - maybe some of them will become your favorites too!

Please note, I don’t know each individual’s stance on specific theological issues. I do know everyone on this list considers themselves to be a Christian in some way, and they all write to provide kids with clean entertainment options.

Christian Chapter Books for Teens

The Dreamkeeper Saga by Kathryn Butler

A 12-year-old girl carries the weight of the world’s brokenness on her shoulders after enduring sickness, trials, and death in her family. One day, her imagination transports her to the Somnium Realm, where she becomes entangled in her father’s hidden past, confronts malevolent creatures, and battles her own grief on a quest to save the world from evil.

Find the books here.

The Iggy & Oz Series by J. J. Johnson

A twelve-year-old with a knack for witty remarks investigates his attic for a monster at the insistence of his younger brother.  But instead of a monster, he finds hundreds of toy dinosaurs come to life.

When the dinosaurs escape, they wreak havoc throughout the neighborhood. The two brothers must apprehend these perilous plastic creatures before the every kid in the neighborhood is terrorized and all flower beds have met untimely jurassic ends.

Find the books here.

The Kambur Chronicles by Champ Thornton

Emmet and Nomi flee a neighborhood bully and end up in an ancient world where they are chased by a far more dangerous villain. Journey alongside them as they unravel secrets and follow the trail of the Serpent Slayer.

The Serpent Slayer and the Scroll of Riddles is a unique time travel adventure for middle school students, infused with biblical principles and theological themes.

Find the books here.

The Towers of Light Series by Allen Brokken

In order to ward off an encroaching darkness corrupting animals and people into monsters, a father and his children construct the Tower of Light. After the father disappears, the children must rely on each other and their faith in God to help them survive frontier life and unravel the lies surrounding them.

Find the books here.

The Character Club Series by Allie Slocum

Do you wish kids would show compassion to each other?

Does your child battle feelings of rejection and being left out?

Does someone you care about not know how to respect others – let alone him/ herself?

The Character Club Series addresses these issues and more as you join the main character on their imperfect journey toward a character virtue.

Find the books here.

The Lands of Luxury by Jon Tilton

Jane lives on an island made of trash and fights sinister robots for supplies to live. When she discovers a beautiful gift with a name tag among the heaps, she is inspired to return it to its owner. But there’s a problem—the robots allow no one to leave. 

Jane must face the secrets in her own past and summon all her courage if she is to succeed on her journey to the Lands of Luxury. Join her on the adventure as she learns that life’s greatest treasures are our friends and family.

Find the books here.

The Chosen Kids by R. M. Ruiz

The Chosen Kids Saga follows six kids who are given special abilities by God and tasked with a great quest: stop a cabal of evil beings from triggering an apocalypse. Each of the kids—plus their aunt!—has a unique role on the team.

Can the track, capture, and return their enemies to the underworld before the monsters cause total destruction?

A blend of fantasy and adventure, these books include the gospel and other Christian themes for middle grade readers.

Find the books here.

The Tree Street Kids by Amanda Cleary Eastep

A ten-year-old boy is shaken when his parents announce they are moving the family from a rural farm to a Chicago suburb. He concocts a plan to escape to his farmhouse home, but his plans are challenged by an unexpected stranger, a shocking discovery, and a tornado.

Can Jack return to his old life? Or is God up to something bigger?

Find the books here.

Wanted: Superheroes by Bryan Davis

A twelve-year-old superhero vigilante makes up for his small size by relying on an arsenal of gadgets, wits, and physical prowess as his combats an evil arch nemesis. When the arch nemesis threatens to destroy his hometown with a mechanized earthquake, our superhero must team up with the most unlikely of allies—his little sister—to overcome their own limitations and save the day.

Find the books here.

The Kingdom Series by Chuck Black

The Kingdom Series is a set of biblical adventure allegories told in the medieval time period without magic or wizardry. They cover lessons from Genesis to Revelation with stories full of action, sword fights, and knights. 

Find the books here.

Collar Cases and Power Pup by Amanda Trumpower

If your child is interested in humor, mystery, superheroes, and adventure, you might like my interconnected book series, Collar Cases and Power Pup!

Collar Cases follows the adventures of investigative journalists Mittens Meow and Alex Digger as they solve mysteries in their small town and learn lessons about character along the way.

Power Pup is series set in the same universe. It follows the adventures of rookie journalist Calvin Quinn as he learns how to fight crime using his new superpowers from God while also trying to live a normal life in his new home. 

Every Collar Cases and Power Pup book is packed with high-energy hijinks, humor, great characters with deep friendships, a theme Bible verse, and a devotion in the back for further spiritual growth.

Written for kids ages 7-12, these books are illustrated by Molly Farnsley and veteran superhero artist Jerry Bennett, and narrated by award-winning voice actress Trista Shaye.

Find the books here.

You can also download the free audiobook of Collar Cases #1 here and the free audiobook of Power Pup #1 here.

Let me know in the comments: what are some of your favorite Christian chapter books for teens and tweens? I can’t wait to hear!

About the Author

Amanda Trumpower
Amanda Trumpower

Amanda Trumpower writes for Jesus lovers who dig dragons, detectives, and droids. She’s a twin mom, second-generation homeschooler, D&D enthusiast, and board game fanatic.

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